Chapter XII: A Unique DNA

Article 75: Well-Built Entreps

We, the Entreps of the World are people of different kinds, opinions, conditions and origins, speaking different languages, but for the sake of our evolution as human beings we should not be just local contemplative citizens dependent on others’ experiences, because the mentioned evolution frequently is made out of: assuming individual responsibilities, being less dependent on others’ orders, practicing our x percent of entreping AND, settling international and comparing what seems just local to benchmarking, exchanging languages, being used to make decisions, balancing the lack vs. excess of information to be considered, skilling public forces on private affairs, using what is under-used looking for efficiency, and, now for the due respect to our fellowman, promoting health care, feeding and nurturing of new generations.

Article 76: Responsibilities

Cultural and educational consequences are well-known due to their clear effects on people, so if you build people only on poor education, subsidies and lack of initiative, they will usually become the same. Therefore, for growing entreps we should give them:

a. methods and tools to reason and think by themselves so that they will act maturely;

b. courage to undertake projects frequently and to recover when failing;

c. intelligence and methods to innovate, and energy to maintain will when the aim looks impossible; and

d. consciousness of being part of every decision to be taken so that no matter happens without the analysis and criterion of an entrep. This way, responsibility takes over vs. lazy acceptance.

Article 77: Less-Dependent Employees

1. Habit and custom have taught us most of the time to think of working for others instead of becoming a self-employed or a business person, generation after generation, but it is not necessarily the right way to be followed nor the best layout of things in terms of evolution. Do you imagine yourself being ordered how to dress or what to eat? You do not of course, which means that the acceptance of being autonomous on one thing and dependent on others is no more than a matter of perception and acceptation, of roles to be played, of positions to take as yours or to avoid, so We, the Entreps of the World:

a. only follow others’ decisions when they are more intelligent than us; b. can be guided as dependent employees when being autonomous to innovate, undertake and develop certain branches of business projects; and c. think that when you risk your time and resources in a business venture the probability of reaching your goals exponentially multiplies as a self-employed or business person instead of an employee. Nevertheless, we do respect and admire people who freely decide to work for others as dependent employees as a matter of election to help others succeed.

2. We, the Entreps of the World, bet on part-time employments settled with self-employments or business ventures as mandatory in every human being, to both enable people to be less dependent on others and for profits to be shared more equally. We do respect and admire people who freely decide to become public employees as a matter of election to help governments better our lives.

Article 78: Muchers

We have created a concept to call every individual working part-time as a dependent employee for a business venture and at the same time being a partner, even for this employer who tries to diversify his businesses via these partnerships: the muchers. Muchers work for others less than 75 percent of the regular working day and spend the rest of their time running new business ventures, even together and with the help and concurrence of his/her employer from time to time. Muchers evolve to become complete entreps and less dependent workers. Creating muchers is, above all, one of the best ways of enhancing entrepment amongst non-entreps.

Article 79: International Benchmarcking

Benchmarking cannot be properly called so if it is only local or regional, because now our World is small enough to be considered global, so We, the Entreps of the World should better think of globalizing our markets’ scope and our range of comparison of ideas and better practices. Only by doing this will we improve what is improvable to frequently upgrade not only our incomes, but our international business positioning as well.

Article 80: Better International Understanding

1. Languages are mainly instrumental so that when speaking or writing we try to transmit, and above all, to understand and to be understood, therefore since We, the Entreps of the World are relational ourselves, we should better find ways of a better understanding. Every language gives us something, but we dream to have a universal language.

2. Our modest very first contribution to our universal language is a basic linguistic family. “We, the Entreps of the World” offer jobs, we are pioneers, people who are considering starting a business, or are already running a venture. Our individual right to be called: “Entrep,” will last until our new business activity has formally passed the age of ten years old. Our business movement is named “Entrepment” and the proper adjective to describe us is “Entreping.” Our verb is “to Entrep;” he or she “Entreps” when doing what has been stated above. “We, the Entreps of the World” are people who are considering starting a business, or are already running a venture. Our individual right to be called: “Entrep,” will last until our new business activity has formally passed the age of ten years old. Our business movement is named “Entrepment” and the proper adjective to describe us is “Entreping.” Our verb is “to Entrep;” he or she “Entreps” when doing what has been stated above. You are sympathetically described as “Entrepy” when inconsistent, if claiming to be called entreping without doing anything but talking the talk. Finally, a person or an institution affiliated with this environment is an “Entrepal.” These words and concepts are international, and remain similar amongst every language.

Article 81: Making Decisions

A muscle only becomes stronger when daily exercised, so you only get used to making decisions when making decisions frequently, even if you do wrong or fail, because the sooner the better, so we back the permanent failure/success process as a perfect way of succeeding.

Article 82: Balancing Information

The lack of certain pieces of information can be considered fatal to success, but having great amounts of unarranged pieces of information is much worse because we may construct labyrinths and get lost in the process of discerning what is excellent, forgetting what is only a good-but-suitable commencement, so We, the Entreps of the World should measure and order our ideas, resources and potential aims in advance to identify the horizon line we look for, then write it down and balance it against our opportunities and competitors, and then start it honestly and strategically to better the product or service during our business venture’ life. No information is worse than unaffordable information, so try to succeed with what you truly have, take a step only after the previous one, and do not cry for what it could have been.

Article 83: Well-Skilled Public Force

1. Public powers are one hundred percent in charge of building legislation, controlling private moves, and changing, if so, what is already established.

2. Public powers are meant to be the mirror of society itself, as an overall addition of people.

3. What is a must is that public initiatives and decisions improve what society itself randomly performs, so We, the Entreps of the World cannot stand for incoherent rules. We have this right and this obligation, as well as of bettering public policies by contributing to teach politicians and related people about business, entrepment and reality, since when governing unruly, parvenu or impudent classes, We, the Entreps of the World pay twice the same bill having collaborated to under-develop our regions, too.

Article 84: Do Impulse

There are unused and under-used resources waiting for us to make their use more efficient. Think of warehouses, premises, offices, machinery, vehicles, equipment, auxiliary tools, networks, etc. being used only a few hours a day, a week, a month or a year while remaining available the whole time. It is in part the consequence of splitting reality into parts when reality is a whole thing, so We, the Entreps of the World should better optimize the use of what is already built to help us do business, and we should better recycle what has been taken from nature to pay back what has been given to us. We, the Entreps of the World consider that if owners possessing under-used resources lend them to entreps in exchange of shares of a new business venture both owners (diversifying their activities) and entreps (getting starting resources without paying money for them) profit.

Article 85: No Disappearance

1. Disappearance of resources weakens us entreps, disappearance of competitors weakens us entreps and disappearance of marketplaces weakens us entreps. Not only does disappearance weaken us, but the risk of disappearance does, too, because every risk of disappearance shows a potential resettlement of things and force us to mull over and spend time suffering for the unknown consequences, so We, the Entreps of the World, should better contribute to the equilibrium of what is essential and basic, whether it is profitable or not.

2. Except nature and honesty, that which is not negotiable and cannot disappear include food, edge education, truthful information and freedom for everyone, an integrated society, health care systems’ protection and a place to live on our little planet. We, the Entreps of the World, should not enhance the increase in population with the only goal of raising our marketplaces, and We, the Entreps of the World, are not willing to exploit and force disappearance because the future is the time we are meant to live in.